SSY (Siddha Samadhi Yog)

What is it?

Siddha Samadhi Yoga is a practice wherein the normal discriminatory function of the intellect ceases.

Profound reduction in mental activity within minutes of the practice.

One gets a deep level of rest through Samadhi Meditation which is the common prescription for all psychosomatic diseases.

Quick relief without medicines from chronic diseases such as Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Asthma, Arthritis, Insomnia, Acidity, Vertigo, Obesity, Hyper Tension and Heart ailments.


To create an enlightened world, where individuals live joyfully together in ‘surrenderfulness’.


Enjoy perfect health through pranic food and pranayama.

Have a calm, peaceful, stable mind through Samadhi Meditation.

Provide opportunities for the creation of more entrepreneurs.

Live harmoniously with one and all.

Express himself / herself totally in all the Nav Rasas.

Be happy for no reason.

How does it work?

Siddha Samadhi Yoga also knowns as Science of Silence yoga, works through the ancient principle of Panch-Kosha-Shuddhi.

Annamaya Kosha (Natural Food) This is about purification process of the physical body.

Pranamaya Kosha (Pranayama) This is about the cleansing of the "Life Force Body". 'Prana' is aliveness and disease means lack of life force or 'aliveness'. Rejuvenates the body and generates fresh energy.

Manomaya Kosha (Meditation) Meditation (Samadhi Yoga) is a scientific, systematic technique to improve body, mind, and intellect to realize the unity in diversity.

Vigyanmaya Kosha (Intellectual body) This is about purifying the intellectual Body.

Anandamaya Kosha This is about the purification process of the "Joyful Mind".

Contact: 020-25533368, 9423500643

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